Friday, April 4, 2014


Insomnia bisa terjadi karena kebiasaan-kebiasaan buruk yang sering Anda lakukan sendiri. Bahkan kebiasaan-kebiasaan yang Anda pikir bisa menyembuhkan insomnia malah bisa jadi kebiasaan yang menjadi penyebab utama insomnia Anda. Dilansir dari, ada setidaknya 5 kebiasaan buruk yang menjadi penyebab insomnia.
1. Tidur dengan Jadwal yang Berubah-Ubah
Michael Breus, PhD seorang dokter ahli ilmu tentang tidur dan psikolog menyatakan bahwa, "Jika aku boleh memberi satu saran tidur, saya menyarankan untuk pergi tidur dan bangun pada jam yang sama setiap harinya." Ia juga menjelaskan bahwa tubuh kita pada dasarnya butuh konsistensi. Jadi, misalnya jika Anda tidur dan bangun siang di akhir pekan, maka untuk bisa tidur cepat di hari biasa akan menjadi lebih sulit.

2. Menggunakan Alat Elektronik Sebelum Tidur
Tidak semua alat elektronik itu buruk, tetapi kegiatan yang sangat interaktif dengan alat elektronik Anda seperti chatting di Facebook dengan ponsel Anda bisa membuat Anda lebih susah tidur. Kegiatan-kegiatan interaktif semacam ini bisa membuat otak kita tidak bisa diam dan akhirnya menyebabkan insomnia.

3. Memperhatikan Jam
"Hal paling buruk yang dilakukan saat tidak bisa tidur adalah memperhatikan jam," kata Breus. Ia menjelaskan bahwa saat kita melihat jam, kita akan langsung memikirkan tentang berapa jam lagi yang tersisa untuk bangun keesokan paginya. Hal ini akan memicu produksi kortisol dan adrenalin. Alhasil, Anda akan terjaga dan semakin sulit tidur.

4. Merasa Ada Kewajiban Tidur 8 Jam Sehari
Tidak semua orang dewasa butuh waktu persis 8 jam untuk tidur. Ada yang baru merasa segar jika tidur dalam waktu 9 jam. Ada juga yang sudah merasa segar meskipun baru tidur selama 6 jam. Ketika Anda bisa bangun tidur tanpa alarm dan tidak merasa lelah sepanjang hari, itulah waktu tidur yang cukup untuk Anda.

5. Tidak Memiliki Jam Tidur yang Pasti
Anda setidaknya harus memastikan pukul berapa Anda tidur di malam hari. Lalu, sisakan satu jam sebelum jam tidur Anda itu untuk melakukan sejumlah hal. Dalam waktu satu jam sebelum tidur, gunakan sepertiga jam pertama untuk menyelesaikan beberapa kewajiban. Lalu, gunakan sepertiga jam kedua untuk membersihkan tubuh seperti menggosok gigi dan ganti baju tidur. Di sepertiga jam terakhir, gunakan waktu untuk relaksasi.

kisah Putri Herlina-article-mrs.Anita

Sebuah cerita dari kisah seorang Putri Herlina, yang memberikan inspirasi dan motivasi tak hanya bagi dia dan istrinya, tetapi juga bagi pembaca blog serta banyak pembaca lain di Indonesia.

Pertemuan dengan pemilik 'tangan bidadari'
Pertemuan pertama Saptuari berawal Juni 2011 silam, di mana ia mendadak ingin main ke Panti Asuhan Sayap Ibu, Yogyakarta untuk sekedar menyapa dan melihat-lihat kondisi di sana. Di panti asuhan tersebut, bayi-bayi terlantar yang dibuang oleh orang tuanya ditampung, diberi kasih sayang dan dibesarkan 'bersama' oleh para pengasuh yayasan serta tangan-tangan 'Malaikat' yang kerap menyisihkan sedikit rejekinya untuk mereka.
Diperkenalkan dengan gadis manis berambut panjang dan berkulit putih yang punya senyum mengembang, Saptuari kemudian dibuat takjub terpesona. Gadis tersebut akrab dipanggil Lina, sudah lulus SMA, bisa komputer, bisa pakai jilbab sendiri, dan sekarang aktif membantu mengelola yayasan. Kedengarannya biasa saja bukan? Tetapi Anda harus 'melihat' juga apa yang membuat Saptuari takjub.

Courtesy Saptuari Sugiharto/

Lina dilahirkan tidak sempurna, demikian disebut orang-orang pada umumnya. Sejak kecil ia dibuang oleh orang tua yang entah siapa karena terlahir tanpa kedua tangan yang utuh. Namun, bila Anda melihatnya, Anda seperti tak menemukan kekurangan pada dirinya. Ia ceria, punya tatapan mata yang jernih, dan kepercayaan diri serta rasa syukur pada dirinya. Lina mengaku enggan dikasihani, dan ingin dipandang seperti wanita lain pada umumnya. 
"Aku sekolah di sekolah biasa mas, aku gak mau dikasihani, SMPku di sekolah Muhammadiyah biasa, SMAku juga, aku tidak minta meja khusus... kutulis semua dengan kakiku, bisa kok!" katanya tegas.

Courtesy Saptuari Sugiharto/

Bahkan Lina bilang bahwa ia pernah menjadi MC di Ambarukmo Plaza untuk sebuah acara anak-anak penyandang cacat. Baginya yang penting cuek dan bersikap biasa. Ia tidak ingin dikasihani, tidak ingin dibedakan dengan yang lain, mungkin itulah yang membuatnya kuat dan tegar selama ini.
Jodoh untuk Putri Herlina
Pada akhirnya, setiap manusia akan merindukan pendamping di dalam hidupnya. Yang tak hanya sekedar ada, tetapi yang membuat seseorang jadi lebih hidup dan memaknai hidup itu sendiri. Demikian pula seperti wanita lainnya, Putri Herlina rindu bertemu jodoh. Berangan-angan, akankah ia bisa menikah, dan hidup normal dalam kondisinya.
Wahai pemilik 'tangan bidadari', jodoh itu sudah diatur oleh Tuhan, dan untuk itulah jembatan doa harus selalu dipanjatkan agar lekas berdiri kokoh. Yang akan membuat jodoh semakin dekat denganmu.
"Aku pengen pergi dari panti ini mas, sudah 24 tahun aku di sini.. ingin rasanya untuk segera bisa mandiri. Aku membayangkan punya suami yang normal, walaupun kondisiku seperti ini, tapi ada gak ya yang bener-bener serius sama aku. Apa aku gak tau diri ya mas kalo ngarepin jodohku lelaki yang sempurna.. apa hidupku sampai tua hanya di panti ini ya mas, sendirian tiap hari di meja ini," kata Lina pada Saptuari yang kemudian dijawab dengan singkat dan penuh arti. "Ya banyakan berdoa aja Put, minta Allah langsung. Dia yang punya pabrik jodoh. Dia kan yang bisa mengubah segalanya."
Dan setiap bulan berlalu, Lina kerap bercerita tentang siapa-siapa saja pria yang mendekati dirinya. Ada pria yang ternyata sudah beristri, namun rajin mengunjunginya di panti, ada pula bule asal Kanada. Namun, jembatan jodoh yang sudah jadi itu pada akhirnya menuntun Lina pada jodoh yang sebenarnya...
Reza Somantri, pria ini adalah pria yang istimewa bagi Lina. Bukan karena ia adalah putra salah seorang petinggi Bank Indonesia dengan jabatan terakhir Deputi Gubernur, tetapi karena Reza adalah sosok sederhana yang bisa melihat kesempurnaan Lina yang sebenarnya.

Courtesy Saptuari Sugiharto/

Yogyakarta, 13 Oktober 2013
Sepasang insan ini meresmikan ikatan cintanya lewat pernikahan yang digelar secara sah di ruangan Balai Sinta. Dengan diiringi restu ayah bunda Reza, banjir air mata mewarnai momen mengharukan sekaligus membahagiakan ini.
Mulai dari acara sungkeman hingga naik ke pelaminan, setiap hati seolah memanjatkan doa bahagia pada mempelai berdua. Berharap bahwa kelak ada Lina-Lina lain yang punya semangat yang sama. Yang tak lekas menyerah dengan kondisi dan keadaan dirinya.
Terima kasih Putri Herlina, kau dan 'tangan bidadari'-mu telah menyentuh setiap hati, dan mengingatkan kami kembali akan kesempurnaan itu sendiri.

Courtesy Saptuari Sugiharto/

Assigment on March tourism lesson -Monument Nasional-mrs.Annita


I am a student at the faculty of literature Gunadarma University majoring in English literature.I want to analyse my tourism assigment.I  and my friend  visited nasional monument to search the information of the museum .

inside the monument there are many histories about  the city of jakarta  and the how the religions came to Jakarta.
Monas or National Monument  is a 450 ft tall monument in Jakarta,Indonesia.It represents the spirit of the Indonesians to fight for their independence. The construction began at 1961 under Soekarno and was finished at 1975 under Soeharto's reign. It was made of marble with the top consisting of a 14.5 tons flame-shaped bronze coated with 35 kilograms of gold.
source: wikipeia

Here I will Analyse the history  which contained  the national museum of "Sapta K. Dam, 11th Century"

After king Airlangga obtained his rightful domain,he endeavoured to promote  the prosperity and welfare of his people. The river Brantas which frequently overflowed its banks caused much damage  to large areas of the people’s ricefields  was dammedup  by rearing dike in order to control the flood  and to provide irrigation or the peoples welfare .to guard the dike against harm and damage,he ordered people to maitanit it ,and as a compensation he decreed the free from taxes.

The second is the history of "Sunda Kelapa"

Sunda Kelapa is the old port of Jakarta located on the estuarine of Ciliwung River. "Sunda Kalapa"  is the original name, and it was the main port of Sunda Kingdom of Pajajaran. The port is situated in Penjaringan sub-district, of North Jakarta, Indonesia. Today the old port only accommodate pinisi, a traditional two masted wooden sailing ship serving inter-island freigh service in the archipelago. Although it is now only a minor port, Jakarta had its origins in Sunda Kelapa and it played a significant role in the city's development.

Then  is because of " Borobudur Temple "

Located in Central Java ,Borobudur temple was founded by King Samaratungga of the Syailendra Dynasty and is a  reflection of the universe . it was built by means of contributions from the Buddhist population and mutual coopertion of the people .the walls of the galleries of the square terraces are adorned in bas-relief with scenes from the list of Buddha .Borobudur is regarded to be one of the wonders of the world.

This is the information that i got from this museum
Thank you :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Assigment on April -Softskill-mrs.Anita

History of Candi Prambanan

There is a legend that Javanese people always tell about this temple. As the story tells, there was a man named Bandung Bondowoso who loved Roro Jonggrang. To refuse his love, Jonggrang asked Bondowoso to make her a temple with 1,000 statues only in one-night time. The request was nearly fulfilled when Jonggrang asked the villagers to pound rice and to set a fire in order to look like morning had broken. Feeling to be cheated, Bondowoso who only completed 999 statues cursed Jonggrang to be the thousandth statue.
Prambanan temple has three main temples in the primary yard, namely Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva temples. Those three temples are symbols of Trimurti in Hindu belief. All of them face to the east. Each main temple has accompanying temple facing to the west, namely Nandini for Shiva, Angsa for Brahma, and Garuda for Vishnu. Besides, there are 2 flank temples, 4 kelir temples and 4 corner temples. In the second area, there are 224 temples.
Entering Shiva temple, the highest temple and is located in the middle, you will find four rooms. One main room contains Shiva statue, while the other three rooms contain the statues of Durga (Shiva's wife), Agastya (Shiva's teacher), and Ganesha (Shiva's son). Durga statue is said to be the statue of Roro Jonggrang in the above legend.
In Vishnu temple, to the north of Shiva temple, you will find only one room with Vishnu statue in it. In Brahma temple, to the south of Shiva temple, you find only room as well with Brahma statue in it.
Quite attractive accompanying temple is Garuda temple that is located close to Vishnu temple. This temple keeps a story of half-bird human being named Garuda. Garuda is a mystical bird in Hindu mythology. The figure is of golden body, white face, red wings, with the beak and wings similar to eagle's. It is assumed that the figure is Hindu adaptation of Bennu (means 'rises' or 'shines') that is associated with the god of the Sun or Re in Old Egypt mythology or Phoenix in Old Greek mythology. Garuda succeeded in saving his mother from the curse of Aruna (Garuda's handicapped brother) by stealing Tirta Amerta (the sacred water of the gods).
Its ability to save her mother made many people admire it to the present time and it is used for various purposes. Indonesia uses the bird as the symbol of the country. Other country using the same symbol is Thailand, with the same reason but different form adaptation and appearance. In Thailand, Garuda is known as Krut or Pha Krut.
Prambanan also has panels of relief describing the story of Ramayana. Experts say that the relief is similar to the story of Ramayana that is told orally from generation to generation. Another interesting relief is Kalpataru tree that - in Hindu - the tree is considered tree of life, eternity and environment harmony. In Prambanan, relief of Kalpataru tree is described as flanking a lion. The presence of this tree makes experts consider that Javanese society in the ninth century had wisdom to manage its environment.


we can see many statues , we can  see many temples , and can believe that the king make this temples .this temples usually for Hindunies pray.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014


Promiscuity among adolescents 

We, who currently sits as a student should know that Indonesian teenagers are being threatened. Their future in jeopardy. Why do I say that? It is based on the fact that many young people in Indonesia have exceeded their age. At their young age, I often see them smoking, then there is plenty of data showing that they are pregnant outside of marriage because of the association .
The bad moral that we usually see nowadays is a motorcycle gang that do so many damage to public facilities; then there is another one that consistently performed by Indonesian teenagers, namely brawl.
Social relationships are things that must be maintained properly. for the friends we have not been able to sort out which ones are good and which are bad. So I invite educators are here to work together in order to guide our students to get the best moral education. When the moral education they get is in high quality, then I'm sure they will be able to avoid all forms of incitement moral evil out there.

So, we not only can get academic education. If we continue to focus only on academic education, moral education then the intensity will be reduced and we were not able to be smart including awesome.
it is better to give a few minutes to advise us, so that young people can gain enough morale. The division of the existing education system in the classroom should be 50:50. 50 percent is the academic education, while 50 percent is moral education. When this technique is followed consistently, I believe Indonesian students will be better in the future and promiscuity will be reduced.

             "Our Indonesia youth are virtuous character and noble for a bright future."

laskar pelangi-article-mrs.Anita

Laskar Pelangi

Laskar Pelangi (English: The Rainbow Troops) is a 2008 Indonesian film adapted from the popular same titled novel by Andrea Hirata. The movie follows a group of 10 schoolboys and their two inspirational teachers as they struggle with poverty and develop hopes for the future in Gantong Village on the farming and tin mining island of Belitung off the east coast of Sumatra. The film is the highest grossing in Indonesian box office history and won a number of local and international awards.

Synopsis :

The movie, set in the 1970s, opens on the first day of the year at a Muhammadiyah elementary school on Belitung. The school needs 10 students but is one short until near the end of the day, when a straggler fills out the ranks for their teachers, Muslimah and Harfan. Muslimah dubs the children "The Rainbow Troops" (sometimes translated as "The Rainbow Warriors") and the movie traces their development and relationships with the teachers.

Background and impact

The film "reportedly" cost 8 billion rupiah (US$890,000) to make and was a year in production. Most of the child actors in the film are from Belitung, and Producer Mira Lesmana explained that choice by saying: "In my opinion, there won't be any actors with a deeper connection to the roles than those who were born and lived in Belitong their entire life."
The Bangka Belitung Provincial government declared some of the locations used in the film as areas of importance to culture and tourism in 2010, and provincial tourism chief Yan Megawandi said the decision was "primarily" made to help raise funds for the Muhammadiyah elementary school on which the film and novel's story are centered.
The film's local and international success fueled a tourism boom on Belitung, with Indonesian airline Garuda reopening direct service from Jakarta to Tanjung Pandan, Belitung's capital. A provincial government official that month said he had no hard data on the increase in tourist arrivals as a result of the film, but said that nearly all seats on flights to the island from Jakarta were booked in the first week it was open and that most arrivals were asking about information on how to visit the film's locations.

in my opinion is this movie reflects the many positive side,for example, the struggle for school spirit.
so not to waste the time available to achieve future goals.